The end is near, and the awards are upon us. I'm excited to see who the winner of the "People's Choice Award" shall be, because there are several classmates who've created some truly great blogs! I loved reading "Lester's Lessons", Olivia's blog was always enjoyable because her thoughts flow seamlessly across the page, and every time Casey wrote about poetry it made me want to love poetry (Even though I still don't, yet.). The blogs in this class were creative and a pleasure to read. award images - Bing images If I’m being honest, and I will be, blogging this semester was a challenge. I struggled to find my voice in composing a professional blog; should this sound like an academic paper, a conversation, some mix of the two? Even though I knew it should sound like some mix of the two I wasn’t entirely sure of how to accomplish that and some of my blogs sound really awkward and I occasionally rambled. However, as challenging as it was, it was a...