Writing Coach Work
In my limited time as a writing coach I’ve had some really positive interactions with the students I’m working with, but not many opportunities to read their work. For the first set of papers, I believe we were instructed to provide feedback on in-text citations. This was relatively simple, and to be honest I was pretty relieved because I realized that I didn’t feel very confident in providing feedback. Prior to this class I always focused on things like grammar but now knew that I wanted to look at higher order concerns, and I was nervous about how to do that. I received two other papers that were variations of the standard book report. I feel like I still focused on things like sentence structure but used the rubric as a guide for my feedback, so I was able to make some comments about topics that were missed or confusing. First and foremost, I think student writers need their teachers to teach them how to write including structure, organization, main ideas, thesis, etc. I also thin...